I bet each and every of you have gone through many things in your lifes that cannot dismiss them form your memorries,things that keep meaning a lot for each of us,things that marked our existence in a deep or small way or things that kept giving sence to a certain desire in our lifes,there are things that are trumbeling the entire retire of the mind in some dusty corners of the conscience when it sleeps and is not thinking at all the rummors in the thoughts,memorrier are standing still,the lips are shaking like wishing to say something preciouse,yes,i do!i miss so many things and so many persons that passed through my life at a certain time or that still are but are far away from me.i do miss spain,i miss you,i miss the sea,i miss another you,i miss the college,i miss yet another you,i miss greece,i miss another you,i miss home sometimes even if i am here almost all the time,and yes,in the end i miss myself,i kind of neglected my person from some time,i feel lost and missed,i want to live again many things and moments,at leats the happy ones,regrets are never present in my exintence so, as an advice,never even remeber when you regret somethign,think always like perfection would be inside you,and remeber my words....